Monday 27 August 2018

Your Chewing Gum Review And Guide

Today, it’s time that we talk a little smack. 


No, not that type—today it’s all about chewing gum. Which flavored gum is best or holds the flavor longest can be a hotly contested issue. We’ve chewed it over and we’ve decided that to get to the bottom of this sticky situation we are going to unwrap the best and worst of chewing gums. 


In addition to our informal research, we want to conduct a poll with our patients. Leave us a comment on our Facebook page indicating which flavor gum is your favorite—bonus points if it’s sugar free!

Chewing gum guide

Chewing gum history  


There is evidence that chewing gum dates back more than 9,000 years. Originally, the substances chewed had medicinal purposes, and many were thought to relieve toothaches or quench thirst.  


Fast forward to the 19th century where Europeans finally began to use products that other populations from around the world had used for centuries. By 1850, this led the first industrial chewing gum factory to be opened. The original gum was made from spruce tree resin boiled down and coated with cornstarch. Unfortunately, the combination was less-than-ideal, and led subsequent producers to use paraffin wax instead of spruce tree gum. But once again, the products evolved, and chicle was substituted for paraffin wax. This combination of ingredients worked so well that it remained largely unchanged until the mid-1900s. 


In 1928, bubble gum made its first entrance onto the market. This product was different than other chewing gums since it was made with the primary purpose of blowing bubbles. And after more than a decade of failure, Flank Fleer finally created what we know as Double Bubble.  


Most popular flavors 


The various flavors of gum can be broken down into several main categories: minty, fruity, cinnamon, and bubble gum. The vast majority of Americans prefer mint flavored gum, with more than 72 million choosing spearmint as their top pick. 


Peppermint follows in popularity, in second place with 70 million, and winterfresh rounds out the top three with 53 million happy chewers. Overall, fruity flavors are enjoyed widely behind mint, with cinnamon coming in directly behind. 


Finally, and most surprisingly, bubble gum is the least chewed flavor among Americans. According to polls, only 22 million Americans admit to liking it the best. Due to its storied history and prevalence in pop culture and sports, many would say that it’s surprising that it falls a distant last.  


How long does the flavor last? 


After examining the data on how long the flavor of certain gums last, it’s not surprising that bubble gum is not a popular choice. Bubble tape, the gum that comes rolled up like a tape measure, has a minute and a half worth of flavor. No wonder you get so much over package! You have to get a new piece every couple of minutes just to enjoy the flavor. And bubble Yum, another favorite of bubble gum chewers, has flavor that lasts only three minutes. 


For minty gum lovers, the flavor times are slightly more favorable (flavorable?). Eclipse spearmint has at least six minutes’ worth of flavor, and a car pack comes with dozens of servings to keep you fresh all day. Dentyne Ice peppermint flavor packs more than five minutes of flavor in each piece. However, they claim that it will keep your mouth fresh more for than 40 minutes. This could be a clear winner if their claims are true. 


Finally, while Big Red is the most popular cinnamon flavored gum, its spiciness wears off after just two and a half minutes. While the initial burst of flavor can be startling, unfortunately, it wears off quickly.  


Dental benefits to gum chewing 


Dentists have long recognized the oral health benefits of chewing gum. Studies have shown that chewing sugar free gum after a meal can help rinse off harmful acids and prevent potential tooth decay. In addition, chewing gums helps to stimulate up to 10 times as much saliva in your mouth to help clear your palate or save you from dry mouth. (Dry mouth can lead to significant oral health problems since bad bacteria are able to infiltrate gum lines easier.) 


Finally, chewing gum helps prevent the growth of bad bacteria that causes cavities, since one of the main ingredients in gum—xylitol—causes the mouth to become inhospitable to these bacteria. It’s due to these benefits that the American Dental Association has put its seal of approval on sugar-free gums.  


So, if you are in a pinch after a meal and need something to freshen your breath or don’t have the opportunity to brush, popping in sugar free gum is a great option.  

The post Your Chewing Gum Review And Guide appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 20 August 2018

A Service You Should Know About

Did you know that at Dr. Ku’s office we offer sedation dentistry? As practitioners and patients ourselves, we understand that going to the dentist can cause anxiety. Up to 40 million Americans admit NOT going to the dentist solely due to that hurdle. 


Unfortunately, the real fear is that by skipping your bi-annual appointment, you are actually setting yourself up for more expensive and extensive dental work in the future. As though that didn’t add insult to injury!  

 A special service Dr. Ku specializes in

For some patients, the fear stems from appointments when they were children, or from a single traumatic visit. For others, it is a generalized anxiety that makes visiting the dentist untenable.  


Through the practice of sedation dentistry, Dr. Ku is able to remove anxiety completely from the picture and leave you confident and secure about future visits. To ensure everyone feels comfortable in our office—no matter the level of anxiety—Dr. Ku finds sedation dentistry an important component of his practice. 


What is sedation dentistry? 


To those with dental anxiety, sedition dentistry can sound almost as frightening as the dental work itself. Are you completely out of it while under the anesthesia? Can you talk? Will you feel pain? Nausea? 


The good news is that our patients regularly rave about this service. Even our most nervous patients leave feeling confident and even proud of their accomplishment—and even better about their clean teeth! 


There are several types of sedition dentistry, however they all work with the brain and nervous system to reduce fear and anxiety—while many times blocking out any memories of the event. Those patients who do remember the appointment report feeling a sense of deep relaxation throughout. The most common forms of sedation used are: 


  • Inhaled minimum sedation: If you’re looking just to “take the edge off,” this nitrous oxide (popularly known as laughing gas) concoction will do the trick. Patients report feeling relaxed throughout every procedure. Since this sedation wears off quickly, patients are able to drive themselves home after the appointment, too. 


  • Oral sedation: Depending on the dosage, oral sedation can range from minimal to moderate. Oral sedation is administered through a pill—typically one found in the same family as Valium. Patients will take the pill about an hour before their procedures. While patients may feel drowsy, they generally remain awake throughout the appointment. However, if you would like to take a quick nap after taking oral sedation, that’s fine with us! The higher the dose, the more likely the patient is to fall asleep. Dosage will be discussed with your dentist prior to your appointment.  


  • IV moderate sedation: IV sedation is administered through the veins and can be controlled by the dentist throughout the procedure. Patients who receive IV sedation are normally visiting the office for more complex procedures that take more time than your typical cleaning. Since this is the most invasive sedation, it is extra important to discuss your full medical history with your dentist.  


What are the benefits? 


In order to combat tooth decay and gum disease, or identify even larger issues such as oral cancers, patients must be willing to come to the office and sit in the chair. If fear is what is stopping them, then it’s important to eliminate or otherwise subdue that fear. 


Sedation dentistry allows for us to do that. We believe that working with each of our patients and meeting them “where are they are mentally” allows us to form a long-lasting bond that builds an essential trust. 


In addition to relieving fears, sedation dentistry also allows us to complete several procedures in one visit. This minimizes the number of times patients have to come in and allows us to provide the best care possible. If you have anxiety or fears about visiting the dentist, then call us today. We would be happy to walk you through what our office can offer.

The post A Service You Should Know About appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Thursday 16 August 2018

5 Places In Fort Worth That Are Much Scarier Than The Dentist

You never thought that was possible, right? Well, we can assure you, there are more frightening sights in town. 

 Scare your pants off around Fort Worth

If you think going to the dentist is like something straight out of a thriller, you need to visit one of these places to see what freaks US out at Dr. Ku’s office. As it turns out, Fort Worth is a pretty shriek-worthy place!  

1. Hangman’s House of Horrors 


This survival-based escape room that will shake you a little. The story has it that this was a 100-year-old government building that was active during the First World War. The building also has the Zombie Outbreak and the No Place Like Home room. Not sure what balance of adventure and fright you’re looking for? Let Dr. Ku pick, and then you’ll really have something to be nervous about! 


You’ll find Hangman’s House at 4400 Blue Mound Road, Fort Worth. Do you dare? 


 2. Moxley Manor Haunted Attraction 


Enter here to sweat out your deepest fears. Fort Worth has something for everybody, especially for those with a need to up the “Aah!” factor.  


The Moxley Manor is based on actual events here in town…about a hundred years ago. The story has it that there was a family living in this manor in the 1920s, and then…well, we’ll let you discover what happened next. Check out their Facebook page here and hope for a story-worthy experience.  


 3. Fort Worth ZOO 


This might be the last place you expected ghosts, but locals say they often see the ghost of animal trainer Michael A. Bell who was crushed to death by one of the zoo elephants in 1987. The zoo also has a nice calendar of events of the wilder sort, from “Predator” to “Monkey Business,” so be sure you pay them a visit. 


4. Six Flags over Texas 


Make the trip to Arlington for a jam-packed day filled with adrenaline. And, wouldn’t you know it? There’s a spook factor, too…it’s not just the rides that will get your heart pumping. 

There have been a sum of minor events reported in recent decades, like the story of a girl named Annie whose phantom has been spotted near the Candy Store and the Texas Giant. There’s also the infamous ghost of an old man dressed in overalls guarding over the stage in The Palace…think you can handle it? 


5. Thistle Hill 


Also known as the most haunted building in Fort Worth, this mansion is more than a hundred years old and currently hosts different social events, but you can also sign up for a simple tour. Just watch out—they say that in 1970 a major renovation to this historical mansion disturbed some resting spirits. 


There are reports of a lady in white and a gentleman with a moustache wearing a tennis outfit welcoming those who enter the house. And yet, Thistle Hill is known for its use for stylish dinners and parties. Perhaps the ghosts help host and greet guests? 


We promise that Dr. Ku’s office isn’t haunted, so if your fear of ghosts is greater than your fear of the dentist chair, this could be your mental trick to get in for your regular appointments. We look forward to seeing you next time and swapping stories about these frightening Fort Worth treasures!  

The post 5 Places In Fort Worth That Are Much Scarier Than The Dentist appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 13 August 2018

Dr. Ku’s GIF Story Board to Brighten Your Day

Parents, we feel you. As the summer comes to an end, you’re scurrying to make all the last-minute appointments that need before school starts again…and it can be incredibly stressful. For many of you, that means making dental appointments for the kids. And while we wish all children were as excited to see us as we are to see them, we know this is how they really feel…



And when you look at your calendar, trying to squeeze everything in for your whole family in the final weeks leaves you right about here: 

But don’t worry! We will accommodate everyone to the best of our ability.

Here are some back-to-school tips to ensure oral hygiene success as you transition back to the school routine this fall. 


  • No matter how tired you are after staying up late for sports practice or doing homework, it’s important to brush your teeth. Plaque is the first thing to form along your gemlike if you slack on your oral health routine. This can lead to serious gum diseases, too. Smile for that school photo? Make sure you’re proud of those pearly whites.


  • In addition to gum disease, tooth decay can occur. This can cause cavities and impact the roots of the teeth. If left unaddressed, it could lead to the need for a tooth extraction.

  • If you child has braces or will be getting braces in the near future, oral hygiene is of the utmost importance. Food can easily get lodge behind brackets or wires and cause problems, so good habits need to be in place NOW. If you are interested in discussing traditional braces or Invisalign, make sure to ask at your next appointment.

If your child suffers from dental anxiety, they may think going to the dentist is like this:

However, at Dr. Ku’s we are dedicated to making their appointment both painless and quick. We are happy to work with anxious kids (and adults!) to make their experience a pleasant one. Whether that mean spending extra time with you to discuss what were doing, or exploring sedative dentistry options, we’re ready to work with you.



Let’s start this school year out on the right foot. Give us a call today to schedule your back to school appointment!

The post Dr. Ku’s GIF Story Board to Brighten Your Day appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 6 August 2018

Cool Stuff You Don’t Know About Your Tongue

We spend quite a bit of time talking about teeth, here. However, they are only one component of your oral health.  


How much time do you spend thinking about your tongue? Maybe you think about it more when you bite it or take that sip of hot coffee, but unless you’re experiencing a problem, your tongue is probably forgotten about pretty much all the time.  


Your tongue is an important group of muscles that aids in speaking, eating and swallowing. Without it, life would look (and taste) very different. Interestingly, your tongue also has the ability to indicate certain illnesses and gauge other aspects of overall health. Keep reading to discover more fun facts about this muscular organ and what tongue changes really mean! 

 Cool facts about your tongue

Fun tongue facts 


The average tongue is comprised of 2,000-10,000 taste buds, which is a HUGE range. Those with the most taste buds are labeled as “supertasters” since they experience flavors much more intensely than others. And those little pink and white dots on your tongue? Those are not your taste buds! Instead, they’re called papillae, or hair-like projections that taste buds rest ATOP.  


Another interesting fact is that, while most muscles in our body eventually tire, the tongue never does. That’s a huge benefit since we use it primarily for eating and talking! 


Top tongues are worth a lot 


You may have heard rumors that Jennifer Lopez’s rear end is insured for more than $27 million or that David Beckham took out an almost $200 million policy on his legs and feet. These insurance polices may be gigantic, but also make sense due to their holder’s profession.  


In the same vein, the lead chocolate taster for Cadbury has a $1.25 million policy taken out just on her tongue. Her ability to taste slight nuances in production quality or break down the exact balancing in a chocolate bar is literally unbeatable. This is one of the many wonders of the tongue. Just like other muscles, it can be trained and “finessed” to do extraordinary things.  


Common tongue issues 


While we can’t all make our living as a chocolate tester (don’t we wish), each tongue is a finely tuned organ that can tell a lot about what is going on in the rest of the body.  


For instance, a yellow tongue may look jarring and alarming, but generally occurs as a result of a harmless buildup of dead skin cells on the tiny projections (papillae) on the surface of your tongue. If you are experiencing yellow tongue, don’t fret, just brush your tongue the next time you brush your teeth. If the color persists, try increasing the fiber in your diet to reduce the buildup of dead skill cells.  


A bright-red tongue can indicate a folic acid or B12 deficiency. These two vitamin deficiencies can easily be remediated through supplements.  


Finally, a black hairy tongue is caused by a bacterial overgrowth. This can result from poor oral hygiene, lack of salvia production, and side effects from medications such as chemotherapy. A black tongue can be especially frightening, so if you are experiencing this make an appointment with us to discuss your oral hygiene routine. While this is almost always harmless and temporary, it is important to get a handle on it before it leads to other oral heath problems.  


Can it really Itch? 


We all get those itches that we can’t seem to fully scratch. But have you ever gotten one on your tongue? Those can be the most annoying since they are hard to stop and you really don’t want to be sticking your hand in your mouth to quell it! The most common reason for a scratchy tongue is an oral allergic reaction. This can occur from environmental factors such as animal hair or as a reaction to a food. Depending on the severity of the allergy, the scratchy tongue can be an indicator that you need to get help fast.

The post Cool Stuff You Don’t Know About Your Tongue appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Sedation Dentistry – Your Ultimate Guide

There are a number of reasons that adults —grown adults—avoid trips to the dentist.     According to the American Dental Association, o...