Monday 25 March 2019

5 Fun Tips to Tame Kids’ Temptation for Sweets

Sweet treats…a temptation for both children and parents (if we’re honest). 


Would you be surprised if we started by reminding you that children love sweets 


Of course not! Theres even scientific evidence out there that shows children don’t just like sweets, theyre biologically hardwired to them. 


Julie Mennella of the Monell Chemical Senses Center explains in recent research, “the newborn can detect sweet acutely, and will actually prefer sweeter solutions to less sweet ones. The basic biology of the child is that they don’t have to learn to like sweet or salt. It’s there from before birth. Monella’s research also demonstrated that sugar helps children tolerate pain, and that its a natural pain reliever for them (wow)! 

 Habits take forming, and kicking the sugar habit takes breaking! Click to learn how.

On the other hand, sweet treats are also tempting for parents to use as rewards for their children’s good behavior. Although it’s seemingly the quickest and easiest way to reward your child and will definitely earn a few smiles, theres a catch here. By using sweets as a reward, we risk building a bad habit for kids because we teach them that sweets can be better than others (by merit of the fact they’re seen as a “special reward”). 


We come by our sugar fix naturally, but consuming too much can have shocking effects on your child’s oral and overall health. In this article, we’re going to talk about the dangers of sugar, yes, but (more importantly) the ways to simply cut down the sweets intake (and cravings) of your child.  


First things firsthow much sugar is OK? 


The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that children between 2 and 18 years old should all eat less than 25 gramsor six teaspoonsof added sugars daily. And yes, we are talking about refined sugar, not the natural sugar you find, say, in broccoli. 


The AHA goes on, “Children and teens should limit their intake of sugar-sweetened drinks, specifically, to no more than eight ounces (or one glass) weekly.” 


These recommendations also advise that children under the age of two should have no added sugars at all. 


The same AHA publications also drops the handy reminder that the estimated volume of calories a child needs ranges from 1,000 a day for a sedentary two-year-old to 2,400 for active 14-18 years old girls and 3,200 for active 16-18 years old boys. Check the sugar content on foods and drinks, because it will have a direct impact on the number of calories consumed. 


According to Miriam Vos, M.D., Ms.P.H, if your child is eating the right amount of calories to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight, there isn’t much room in their food budget for low-value junk foods, which is where most added sugars are found. 


Sweet treats and sugary drinks are rich in calories at the same time that they’re poor in nutrients. Most added sugars can be found in sodas, energy and food drinks, cookies and cakes, ice cream, candies, and other desserts. And no, those don’t form part of the food pyramid. 


Consuming foods high in added sugars at a young age has also been linked to other risk factors such as increased risk of obesity, elevated blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemia and, of course, tooth decay. 


How sugar affects oral health 


You (and even your kids) already know that too much sugar will affect oral health. But let’s take a look at the “why.” 


To begin with, sugar itself is not the issue, rather what happens after consuming it. Our mouths are full of bacteria, many of which are beneficial to our oral health. When we consume too much sugar, however, the “naughty” bacteria will use it as a fuel and break it up, thus producing acids. These acids will then stick and start dissolving the minerals that make the enamel, which is the protective layer of our teeth. 


This “feeding” on the enamel will result in cavities and tooth decay. 


How to (realistically) cut back on your child’s sweets consumption 


With all those delicious temptations a breath away, and provided that children are biologically hardwired to love sweets, cutting back on candies can be a daunting task for many parents and caregivers. However, the health benefits will be long-lasting and definitely worth the effort. 


We even have a list of tips to make the process easier. How’s that sound? 


1: Make fruits the first choice to “satisfy sweet” 


Fruits can be as delicious as sweets, especially after a short adjustment period where the palette “resets” to natural sugars (at which point fruit naturally tastes sweeter). Plus, fruits are packed with vitamins and nutrients essential for your child’s growth. As if you needed more reason, they also have fewer and healthier calories than foods with added sugar. And last but certainly not least, there is even a connection between a child’s low-quality diet (without fruits) and performance at school.  


So, to make more fruit-eating happen:  


  • Always keep fruits in sight in the kitchen 
  • Have a variety of fruits available 
  • Find ways to play with your child using fruits (for example, you can create structures by cutting fruits into fun and easy shapes such as snowmen and funny faces—yes, please play with your food) 
  • Invent new snacks with fruits (like a fancy fruit salad with a cool name) and prepare them with your child on a regular basis 


2: Don’t offer sweets as rewards 


As mentioned earlier, the easiest way to reward your children seems to be by offering them sweets. However, you build a bad diet as well as bad habits for children by doing this because you ultimately teach that sweets are more exciting than healthier foods. Consider rewarding your child with something like an activity, hugs and kind words. In addition, you can give your child other no-food rewards like stickers or drawing tools. 


3: Drink responsibly! 


Sugar-sweetened drinks such as soda contain a lot more sugar than you realize, and they are also high in calories and low-to-nothing in what they offer in nutrition. When your children are thirsty, give them water (and set the crucial example of drinking more of it yourself). 


4: Keep sweets for special occasions 


If we’re honest, it’s realistically OK for your child to eat candies on Halloween or other special days. Let your child enjoy them, and link candies and other sweets only to special occasions such as Halloween. You don’t have to worry about one day of the year, or even two or three, but you should be careful about the rest. If your child asks for some candy on non-special days, you can consider some, but only in small portions. 




5: Be creative with snacks 


Healthy foods may not look as fancy or enticing as candies and sweets. However, with just a bit of creativity, you can make your children love their new snacks! Bright colors and exotic textures can do the trick, both of which are abundant in the world of fruits and veggies. 


And back to an earlier idea, you can also play games with healthy foods (gamification, we call it these days), such as encouraging your child to find the amount of total sugars on the Nutrition Facts label in foods to compare them with healthy foods they like. Or how about an apple tasting? Or letting your kids pick out the fruits in the grocery store for the fruit salad party at home? 



Cutting down your children’s consumption of sweets might look like a tough task. However, the long-lasting health benefits are without a doubt worth the effort. So, arm yourself with patience and a little bit of creativity, and remember that it’s about progress today, not perfection! 

The post 5 Fun Tips to Tame Kids’ Temptation for Sweets appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 18 March 2019

What You Don’t Want To Read, But Need To See, About Smoking And Your Mouth

The American Dental Association posted a recent video that many won’t want to see, but must—the negative health issues (including fatal oral health complications) that smoking can produce. 


The ADA’s video mixes vital facts with gripping visuals to amplify our understanding of the dangers of smoking in the only format many of us are impressed by anymore—video. 


The effects of smoking on your oral health goes beyond yellowing of your smile; it causes serious complications, including the very real possibility of oral cancers. 


Oral cancer can be aggressive and spread quickly due to the number of blood vessels in your head and neck along with the proximity to your lymph nodes. And while the use of tobacco has been on the decline in the last 20 years, approximately 15% of all Americans still smoke. 


Smoking’s effect on the mouth 


For many of us, the first thing we notice when someone smokes is the yellow tint to their teeth. The yellow cooling is caused by chemicals found in cigarettes that stain the enamel of the teeth. Enamel is one of the hardest substances in the body; however, once it is damaged or eroded, there is no bringing it back. 


Infected and receding gums are another sign of a smoker. Smokers are twice as likely to suffer from gum disease as nonsmokers. When the gums are damaged, they can pull away from the teeth and cause the bones underneath to deteriorate. And once the bones break down, it causes instability in the teeth and can cause them to become loose and fall out. This is why many smokers are lacking at least one tooth. 


Finally, smoker’s breath is another adverse effect of smoking that virtually all of us are familiar with. Particles from the cigarette are transferred to the mouth where they remain long after you put out the cigarette. These particles can dry out your mouth, which causes bacteria to multiply. The common lack of salvia among smokers spurs this bacteria to attach to the teeth and gum line, too, which is how periodontal diseases are caused 


The most severe complication that can occur due to smoking is oral cancer. It is estimated 80% of those diagnosed with oral cancer are also smokers. Early symptoms of include swelling or lumps around your mouth, red or white lesions in your mouth, and numbness and trouble moving your jaw when talking or eating. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important you seek medical care immediately. 


Electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco 


Even though you aren’t smoking it, smokeless tobacco can still cause significant oral health problems. Just like cigarette smokers, those who use smokeless tobacco are still plagued with bad breath, teeth discoloration and a greater risk of developing periodontal diseases. In fact, smokeless tobacco can increase the risk of periodontal disease even over the rates seen in cigarette smokers. Those who use smokeless tobacco need to visit their dentist more frequently, since oral lesions and other complications can develop quickly and become serious if left unchecked. 


Electronic cigarettes are another popular option for people who want to still have the feeling of smoking but—supposedly—without the same concoction of chemicals, and sometimes without the nicotine. These devices have received quite a bit of attention as health professionals determine if they are harmful.  


And while these products do have the potential to reduce tobacco use, it is important to remember that no product you inhale is guaranteed safe. Using e-cigarettes can still bring your mouth into contact with nicotine. This can reduce blood flow to the mouth and cause tissues to lose oxygen and nutrients. And when blood vessels contract, it can cause gum line recession and all the other symptoms of chronic cigarette smoking. E-cigarette use can also lead to dry mouth, which allows bad bacteria to multiply and result in cavities or other infections.  


If you choose to use e-cigarettes to transition away from smoking, it is important you tell your dentist and continue to go to your regular appointments. Your dentist will be able to spot signs of periodontal disease. 


Any time you are inhaling a producttobacco laced or notthere is the potential for harm to the mouth as well as the throat and lungs. If you are a smoker, its important to let your dentist know what type of product you consume so they can screen you more frequently for cancer risks and oral health diseases. 

The post What You Don’t Want To Read, But Need To See, About Smoking And Your Mouth appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 11 March 2019

What Are The Best Ways To Pay For Dental Costs?

When we talk to some of our patients about the problems they face, whether it comes to dental care or oral health, we continually hear one issue: dental care is a financial burden. 


Some of our patients with the most complex cases admit they realized they may need to wait seek care months or years prior to coming into our office. However, the fear of the bill or the inability to pay in the moment results in them delaying care—often to the detriment of their oral health. 

 Dental costs are a reality—and a problem—for some

The longer care is delayed the more complex the oral health condition becomes. In addition, it can begin to interfere with other bodily systems such as an increased risk of heart disease or complicate diabetes. If you are living in Fort Worth and in need of dental care, but unsure about how to pay, then give our office a call today. In addition, we have outlined ideas below on how to plan and afford dental services. 


Enroll in dental insurance  


Monthly dental insurance can be an affordable option if you find the plan that works for you. Depending on the benefit structure, some plans can be as low as $25 a month. 


While each dental insurance benefit is different, many times preventive care (such as your bi-annual cleaning) will have a very low out-of-pocket cost for the beneficiary. In effect, you’re paying for service with the premiums that will be reimbursed to the dentist by your insurer. 


And in addition to generally-covered preventative care, many plans also have annual out-of-pocket limits. If you or your family has had significant dental care costs this year, you might be close to your annual limit. But this doesnt mean you will be denied services! Instead, you have hit the maximum outofpocket you have to pay, and the insurer will now pick up the remainder of needed services. These maximums normally run year to year, so by slipping into the next year will mean the number resets. Take advantage of these plans before the end of each year to stay ahead of bigger dental issues later. 


Flexible spending accounts 


Flexible spending accounts are a great way to save pre-tax dollars to be used for certain qualified medical and dental expenses. After signing up for an FSA, the money is automatically deposited in an account that you can draw on when you receive a medical or dental bill. 


And due to the tax savings, you come out ahead financially. However, unlike a health savings account (HSA) that can be rolled over year to year, an FSA must be spent by the end of the year. If you forget to spend the money, there is no getting it back. 


Ask for new patient specials  


If youve avoided dental care for years due to the cost, then you are probably in the market for a new dentist. Many dentists run new-patient specials that target issues such as missing teeth, deep cleaning services and consultations on other more complex services you might need. Even if it isn’t listed on a dentist’s website, give them a call and ask if they offer any benefits for new patients. 


And once you find a dentist you like, ask about referral programs, too! 


Discuss payment plans 


We understand that complex dental care can be expensive. Therefore, we work with you on options like payment plans to allow you to get work done while paying it back on a schedule that fits your needs. We want to remind our patients that there is nothing shameful about asking for a payment plan. In fact, we would prefer that we have that conversation instead of having to discuss complex care plans that could have been prevented if you would have sought care earlier. 


Our goal is ensure that all our patients get quality and affordable dental care. Your health is of the upmost importance to us. Please always feel that you can bring up any issueincluding financial issueswith us, so give us a call today! 

The post What Are The Best Ways To Pay For Dental Costs? appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Monday 4 March 2019

How Oral Health Equals Whole Body Health

The mouth is commonly described as the “window to the body” and your overall health. Did you know that the teeth and gums are sometimes the first indicator that there is a medical problem in another system? 


Its important to remember that your mouth is not a separate entity separate from the rest of your body, rather an intricately intertwined consideration for your total body health. In addition to the mouth highlighting issues with other body systems, problems in your mouth can even cause problems elsewhere in your body. Think of the relationship between total body health and oral health as a twoway street. They both affect the other. 

 How does oral health affect whole-body health?

Keep reading as we discuss how our oral health is connected to all aspects of our health.  


The connection between mental and oral health 


Thanks to mental health awareness and greater transparency and open discussions on the topic, there’s been more research about the connection between oral and mental health in recent years. 


The most common mental health conditions that affect oral health are anxiety and panic attacks, depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, self-harm, schizophrenia and psychosis. The varying severity of these mental illnesses can cause neglect of oral health routines which can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss. To read more about the interaction between mental and oral health, read What has to say on the topic. 


Oral health and small children  


Youve probably heard about babies catching colds or more serious communicable diseases from adults, but what about catching cavities? That seems almost preposterous! However, researcher has shown that adults who transfer salvia to their baby may be also passing cavity causing bacteria. This can occur through kissing, sharing utensils or sharing bites of food. These germs can start the process that causes cavities even before babies have teeth, so its important to avoid sharing saliva with your baby right from the start. 


Dry mouth 


Side effects of medication are the primary cause of dry mouth. Medications such as and anti- histamines and decongestantsboth which are commonly used during North Texas allergy seasoncan cause a decrease in salvia production. 


Lack of salvia and severe dry mouth can lead to serious oral and health complications. First, increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease can occur in patients. Saliva neutralizes bacteria by limiting bacterial growth and washing away food particles. Other complications include mouth sores, yeast infections in the mouth and split, dry skin around the mouth and lips. Finally, saliva enhances a persons ability to taste, swallow and digest food. 


Many of our older patients complain about dulled tastes, which can be tied back to dry mouth. If a decrease in salvia results in difficult chewing and swallowing, a patients nutrition could be affected, causing even more problems. 


Immune system 


If you are experiencing severe dry mouth (and aren’t on any medications that can cause this side effect) then you might be suffering from an autoimmune disease. Most doctors and dentists commonly associate dry mouth with Sjogren’s syndrome, which is caused by the body attacking the glands that make saliva and tears. Prolonged dry mouth can lead to an increased risk of cavities. In addition, Sjogren’s syndrome commonly accompanies other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. If you are experiencing extreme dry mouth, its important you make an appointment with your dentist or doctor. 


Is there a connection between heart and oral health? 


Studies have shown that there is a link between gum disease and heart attacks or strokes. Its thought that, since gum disease is bacteria-caused, it can enter your bloodstream where the bacteria attach to the fatty deposits in the heart blood vessels. This condition can cause blood clots and may lead to heart attacks. In the absence of gum disease, scientists have found there is less bacteria in the heart. 


Diabetes and oral health 


Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth that infect the gum tissue and cause plaque. Poorly managed blood sugarcommon in those not yet diagnosed with diabetescauses damage to blood vessels, which leads to oxygen restriction and nutrition deprivation to the gums and bones. Higher glucose levels in salvia create a breeding ground for bacteria. Weak gums and bone will be targeted by the bacteria and result in oral health diseases. 


Concerned about your overall health? The first stop might be the dentist! Give us a call today.

The post How Oral Health Equals Whole Body Health appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

Sedation Dentistry – Your Ultimate Guide

There are a number of reasons that adults —grown adults—avoid trips to the dentist.     According to the American Dental Association, o...