Monday 8 January 2018

The Impact of Whiter Teeth

Have you ever been on a date and either felt like you forgot to check your teeth beforehand, or forgot to brush them, or worse felt extremely uncomfortable showing what you know to be an aging, fading smile? Confidence and smiles are two of the most socially influential features you can tout, and a lack of either can affect your social and professional live on all levels.  


So, what is the psychology behind this undeniable truth that having a confident smile and healthy mouth correlates so directly to your ability to thrive?  

 What whiter teeth do for you in all aspects

Let’s review a little science first… 


When you experience any situation that brings about positive or uplifting vibes, neurons travel to the cortex of your brain signaling the brainstem to contact the cranial muscle (skull), which then signals the muscles around your mouth to crack a smile.  


What’s crazy is that once this reaction begins, a truly genuine smile is carried even further through the face to the muscles that show smile sincerity: the orbicularis occuli, or the socket that encircles our eye. 


Ever heard someone say that a person has a sparkle in his or her eye, or has glittering eyes? This is actually the feature that gives away genuine smiles. 


Simply put, your ability to unabashedly and genuinely smile makes you a more likable person. And it goes without saying that being more likable can in turn help you build those lasting relationships at your job or at home…all because of your ability to grin assuredly. 


Smiling at people makes them feel good about you – it’s one of the most fundamental human reward signals that displays friendliness, trustworthiness and honesty. 


At Dr. Ku’s office, we wanted to compile a list of the ways the impact of a whiter smile can affect your life. Read on to see how your options like tooth whitening can also brighten your life in other ways! 


How does a whiter smile affect other aspects of life? 


  1. Improved health – once you choose to whiten, your incentive to maintain a healthy diet is that it will prolong the effect of your whitening! Through the responsibility of having to maintain healthy food options, you ensure having strong teeth and gums, which enables even more eating of a nutrient rich diet, properly digested food, and a strong smile.


  1. Improved attractiveness – the saying “a happy child is the prettiest child” isn’t a saying for no reason. Smiling makes a person radiate positivity and likeability. Being able to smile innately without a second-thought is invaluable to a person’s outward appearance.


  1. Improved self-esteem – the physical act of smiling actually improves your emotional state by sending signals to your brain, which releases endorphins, in turn boosting your mood. It also makes you feel more confident and be outwardly perceived as a confident person. That’s a win-win for sure!


  1. Better relationships – there might be no better way to make a person feel good about you than smiling at them. When someone is happy with you, or you make him or her happy, it makes a difference…especially if that person is your boss, or a partner, or your child or other loved one. Teeth whitening, believe it or not, can impact those relationships by opening that smile!


One study tracked the lives of women who had the “best smile” awards in yearbook photos compared their success in stable relationships and careers with their peers. Women who had the “best” smiles lived happier lives, had happier marriages, and had fewer setbacks. 


It’s fascinating to understand the psychology of why those who have a confident smile tend to live different lives than those without.  


Options for tooth whitening 


Your options for whitening are:  


  1. Over-the-counter – the cheapest form of whitening means it will typically be the least effective. Nonetheless, they’re easy to acquire and easy to use. Some of the over-the-counter options include: toothpastes, gels, rinses, strips, and pre-made whitening trays.


  1. Take-home treatment – The cost for take-home treatment from Dr. Ku’s office will depend on the cost of the personalized trays, the gel and how many treatments we recommend, but will be much more effective than over-the-counter.


  1. In-office – The cost will depend on the total number of sessions and if you need advanced whitening treatment, which can include laser. The steeper expense alludes to the stronger treatment we’re able to offer, and will give you much more dramatic results. We use a combination of whitening gel and specially-formatted lights to achieve optimal results. Sometimes we also send you home with the trays so you can perform additional treatments at home as well.


Besides whitening, we wanted to share some of the other ways our patients can obtain a brighter and more genuine smile:  


  1. Crowns
  2. Bonding
  3. Veneers
  4. Snap-On-Smile
  5. Enamel Shaping and Contouring
  6. Bridges
  7. Braces
  8. Clear Aligner Trays
  9. Implants 


We here at Dr. Ku’s office want you to feel confident and thrive in your social and professional life. Inquire today at our Fort Worth office, and we’ll be more than happy to make your beautiful smile reflect how you truly feel on the inside!

The post The Impact of Whiter Teeth appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.

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